The Jimarian Bible

You are going on the greatest adventure of your life; a trip through your own mind

Who are you, and what do you really believe?

.     God     ?

All the world’s mysteries, philosophies, religions, sex, and politics are revealed in amazing clarity.

100 years of living vs an infinity in time and space. What is your place in the Universal All?

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Because The Jimarian Bible is all about YOU!

 It is the most important work in the history of mankind.


             You are here on this planet earth for 100 years or less. How is your life relevant to the infinity of time & space? What is your place in the Universal All?  You are going on the greatest adventure of your life; and taking the blinders off your eyes that society has placed on you. In this new, exhilarating way of life, you will choose the religious belief system that matches your philosophy of life. You will learn how to live the “Good Life”; free of depression and filled with joy and contentment.

             Your guide through this thrilling and psychologically rewarding experience is jimar; a poet, inventor, author, educator, and former executive of Fortune 500 companies. Over the years, he’s seen it all. He’s had money, lost it, found love, and lost that too. Through it all, he learned many life lessons and had three spiritually, illuminating, mystical experiences that changed his entire life. Do you know the difference between sex, sensuous pleasure and true love?

             Further on this page, scroll down and read the PROMINENT REVIEWERS’ CRITQUES OF THE JIMARIAN BIBLE, ; then click on “about”; where you will learn of the incredible world of true KNOWLEDGE, defined by Plato over 2,000 years ago. The Jimarian Bible in download PDF format is absolutely FREE.

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A Must Read

Maureen Dangarembizi for Readers’ Favorite 

No matter their creed, the reader is forced to examine themselves by looking closely into their beliefs and how they affect our fellow man. Jimar follows the path of the great men of ancient times in their efforts to understand and bring about human enlightenment. Jimar skillfully points out the many mistakes humans have made in the past and still continue to commit in present times.” 

“I particularly enjoyed the many quotations from famous philosophers such as Plato and Pythagoras. I learned a lot and remained with many questions that broadened my understanding of myself and my fellow man.” 

“I enjoyed this book a great deal and it would make a wonderful topic for friends to discuss in a casual social setting. This is a book for everyone, no matter their religion.”

Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review 

“The Jimarian Bible moves on to explore not only underlying purposes in human life on Earth, but the perspectives of Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, and other major world religions and their guidance on the subject.” 

“As chapters unfold, a wide-ranging discussion of belief systems turns into pointed considerations of self and moves into wider concerns, from an over-populated world and the risks and rewards of parenting to human psychology, expanding the underlying probe (why humans are on Earth) to consider how people interact with the universe.” 

“Enlightenment is not a process of speed-reading or quick absorption – after all, other religious documents receive lifetimes of inspection and consideration. The Jimarian Bible deserves no less, and will benefit from the open minds and hearts of readers intent upon changing not just their lives and perspectives, but their purpose on Earth.”